Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 557
Filed for Record August 11th 1888 Recorded August 13th 1888
                                         J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                         pr E.C. Wimberly DC

Saml Durborow     }
    To            }  Deed
Mrs Mary Ann Rowe }
This Indenture made the Twentieth day of June Anno Domini Eighteen 
Hundred and Eighty Eight, Between Samuel Durborow of the City of Philadelphia 
County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania (unmarried) party of the 
first of the first part and Mrs. Mary Ann Rower 223 South 11th Street
of the City of Philadelphia County of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania 
party of the second part. Witnesseth That the said party of the first part for and 
in Consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars lawful money of the United 
States of America to him in hand paid by the said party of the second 
part the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bar
gained sold aliened remised released conveyed and confirmed and by 
these presents does grant bargain sell alien remise release Convey and 
Confirm unto the said party of the second part and her heirs and 
assigns forever all those Certain Lots Tracts or parcels of Land situate 
lying and being in Section 23 Township 10 South Range 15 East 
in the County of Alachua and State of Florida and Known and described 
on the Town plan of Bartram in Alachua County aforesaid (which said plan is 
duly recorded in the Public Records of the said County) as follows. Lot number 
five in block number twenty three fronting on Hyacinthe Avenue and 
Lot number Ten in block number twenty three fronting on Verbena Avenue
Each lot having a front of Eighty feet and a depth of One hundred 
feet. Together with all and Singular the ways and Waterways ten
ements hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in 
anywise appertaining and the reversion and reversions remainder 
and remainders rents issues and profits thereof. And also all the 
Estate right title interest property possession claim and demand 
whatsoever as well in law as in equity of the said party of the 
first part of in and to the same and every part and parcel 
thereof with the appurtenances. To have and to hold The above 
granted bargained and described premises with the Appurtenances 
unto the said party of the second part her heirs and assigns 
to her or their own proper use benefit and behoof forever 
and the said party of the first part for himself his heirs Ex
ecutors and Administrators doth Covenant promise and agree 
to and with the said party of the second part her heirs and assigns
that the said party of the first part at the time of the sealing 
and delivery of these presents is lawfully Seized in fee simple 
of a good absolute and indefeasible estate of inheritance 
of and in all and singular the above granted bargained 
and described premises with the appurtenances and hath 
good right full power and lawful authority to grant bargain 
sell and Convey the same in manner and form aforesaid

[Part SEC23 TWP10 R15]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 14 October 2021
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