Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 569
who executed the foregoing deed and in his own name and also in the
name of the above granter Julia A. Van Ness acknowledged in due form of law
the above deed to be his own act and deed and the act and deed of the
said Julia A. Van Ness by him the said Charles W. Brush done and executed
by virtue of a letter of Attorney to him for that purpose granted by the
Said Julia A. Van Ness to the end that the same as such might be
recorded and further that said letter of Attorney is duly recorded in the
Clerks office of Alachua County in said State of Florida in Book L
page 847. In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my name and
Attach my official seal this (17th) Seventeenth day of June AD One
thousand Eight hundred and Eighty Seven
     (  )                        Felix R. Sullivan
   ( Seal )                      Notary Public
     (  )
State of Maryland Batilmore City Sct
I hereby certify that Felix R. Sullivan Esquire before whom the annexed
acknowledgement were made and who has thereto subscribed his
name was at the time of so doing a Notary Public of the State
of Maryland in and for the City of Baltimore duly Commissioned
and sworn and that to all acts done by him in that Capacity
full faith and Credit are due and ought to be given and that
I am well acquainted with his hand writing and believe that his
Signature thereto is genuine. In Testimony whereof I hereto Set
my hand and affix the seal of the Superior Court of Baltimore City
this 18th day of June AD 1887
                               (  )   Jas Bond
                             ( Seal ) Clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore City
                               (  )
Filed for Record August 16th 1888  Recorded August 17th 1888
                                           J.A. Carlisle  Clerk
                                           pr E.C. Wimberly DC
Town of Hawthorn }
  To             } Deed
Hugh A. Morrison }
State of Florida } Know all men by these presents that the Town of
Alachua County   } Hawthorn in said State and County for and
in consideration of the Sum of Five Dollars to said Town of
Hawthorn paid the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and
Confessed has bargained sold and forever quit claimed and
by these presents does bargain sell and forever quit claim unto
Hugh A. Morrison of said Alachua County all of its rights title
interest and claim at law and in equity of in and to that
certain tract of land situated in Said County described as
follows to wit, Starting at the South East Corner of the North
East Quarter of the North East Quarter of Section twenty (26) Six
Township Ten South Range Twenty Two East, Thence South
Three Chains and Seventy four hundredths, Thence West two hund
red and ten feet Thence North Six Chains and thirty Six hundredths
Thence East two hundred and ten feet, thence South two and Sixty
two hundredths Chains to point of Commencement

[Part SEC26 TWP10 R22]
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 14 February 2020
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