Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Deed Record 28
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Deed Record 28 Page 583
the said party of the second part and unto his heirs and assigns Ex
ecutors and administrators all the general stock of merchandise Consisting
of hardware tinware doors sash blinds pumps Stoves Steam fittings
paints furniture and Store furniture and all other goods wares
Chattels and Merchandise of every kind whatever now in the store oc-
cupied by the parties of the first part on the East side of the public Square
of the said City of Gainesville and particularly described as North half
of Lot Three Block Four Range Three (N2 L3 B4 R3) in said City of Gaines
ville in Alachua County and State of Florida. Also All the notes accounts
debts Choses in Action claims demands property and effects of every description
belonging to the said parties of the first part or in which they have any
right or interest now due or payable or to become due and payable
to the said parties of the first part, a Schedule of the said notes accounts
debts and Choses in Action Claims and demands fully and particular
ly enumerating and describing the same being hereto annexed marked
"Schedule A" Also the books of Accounts of the said parties of the
first part, and all papers documents and Vouchers relating to their
business dealings property or affairs, Also all the title interest and
Claim which the said Robert McClellan has in and to the piece of
land fully described above and the buildings situated thereon as the
heir of Mary L. Clellan deceased. That the said party of the second part
shall hold and have the same and every part and parcel thereof and
all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto himself his heirs assigns
Executors and Administrators and Successors in Trust nevertheless and
to and for the following uses and purposes viz. (1st) First that the
said party of the second part shall take possession and Control of the
said property hereby assigned or intended to be and shall with all
Convenient diligence sell and dispose of the same at public or private
sale, as he may deem most beneficial for the interest of Creditors
of the said parties of the first part and convert the same into money
and shall also with all reasonable diligence collect get in and
recover all and singular the said debts dues bills bonds notes
accounts and balances of accounts Judgements securities claims
and demands hereby assigned or intended to be, and the party
of the second part shall execute acknowledge and deliver all
Necessary conveyances and instruments and receipt for the
purposes aforesaid, and with and out of the proceeds of said
sale and Collections that the said party of the second part
shall (1st) First pay all the just and reasonable Expenses
Costs and Charges attending the due execution and Conveying
out of the trusts hereby created together with a reasonable
Compensation for the services of the party of the second part
and such agents as he may deem necessary to employ
in Carrying out and duly executing this trust and all
rents which may be found due from the parties of the
first part in the said buildings which they have used
and occupied, and until the sale of hardware and other
property hereby Conveyed to pay the rent on the Store or
Transcribed by Karen Kirkman 14 February 2020
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