Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 105
County Commissioners Court }  Gainesville
Alachua County		   }    November 28th 1859
	At a meeting of the board of County 
Commissioners Met according to Adjournment 
Present J.M. Sparkman William Strickland 
C. Rain, Mathew Hinson and E.H. Jordan 
President of the board
1   Ordered that F. J. McCalls bond as treasurer 
be received, and that the books of the former 
Treasurer (Jas B. Bailey) having been examined 
and approved, and a balance of Seven hundred 
and eighty four dollars and Seventy seven Cents 
remaining in the Treasury the same was paid 
over to F.J. McCall Treasurer elect in the 
presence of the Court
2    Ordered that the Application for the opening 
of a road from the corner of Maj. J.B. Baileys 
fence on the Newnansville road North of Gaines
ville direct to the Mud Mill on the Santifee River 
intersecting the New River Road, be passed & 
opened under the Supervision of Wiley Bennet 
James Bevill and John Hague Commissioners to 
open said Road
3    Ordered that the County be divided into school 
districts, and that the school fund be equally 
distributed among the said Districts
4    Ordered that the bridge to be built over the 
Pararie Creek on the New Cut Road from Gaines
ville to Palatka shall be as follows viz, the 
Timbers shall be twelve inches square, Three Arches in the 
run of the Creek, The Cap sills shall be level with 
the Arches, The Stringer pieces to extend from the 
two out side Arches to the bank on each side 
There shall be a sill for the Stringer pieces to rest 
on, The floor of the bridge to rest on four stringer 
pieces, each to be well braced, the flooring to be 
ten inches thick, The bridge to be twelve feet wide 
and said bridge to be substantially banistered 
and all the materials to be of good hart Timber
5    Ordered that all the bids for building the bridge here
before named be rec'd by the Court on Monday
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 6 September 2002
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