Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 108
County Commissioners Court } Gainesville
Alachua County		   }  December 13th 1859
	At a meeting of the board of county 
Commissioners Present C. Rain, Mathew Hinson 
James M. Sparkman and William Strickland 
President of the board
1   Ordered that Henry Fewells bid be received for 
the building of a bridge across the Pararie Creek 
on the New road from Gainesville to Hawthorns 
plantation for two hundred dollars
2   Ordered that we pospone the remoddling the 
Jury box until our next meeting
3   Ordered that we pospone laying out the County 
in School districts until our next meeting
	There being no further business the Court 
       adjourned to the first Monday in January 
			    Wm Strickland
			     President of the Board
County Commissioners Court }  Gainesville
Alachua County		   }     Jan'y 16 1860
	At a meeting of the board of County Com
missioners Present James M. Sparkman William 
Strickland C. Rain Mathew Hinson and E.H. 
Jordan President of the board
1   On motion William Strickland seconded by 
Jas M. Sparkman it is ordered that it is out 
of the Power of the County Commissioners to 
Comply with the requisitions of the law enacted 
by the Legislature at their Called Session 
making it the duty of the County Commissioners 
to district the County in Military beats 
&c Consequently the board deems it a matter 
of impossibility to lay off and proportion 
the districts and men subject to Military 
duty &c within the time specified by law
2    On motion J.M. Sparkman seconded by Wm 
Strickland that the bridge built by Henry Fewell 
over the Pararie Creek on the New Road from 
Gainesville to corner Hawthorns Plantation
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 20 September 2002
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