Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 010
       Alachua County  Est Fla
Alachua in Acc't Current with the State of Florida Dr By Amount allowed for assessing $ 125. 22 " " " " Collecting 106. 20 " Insolvences and Overcharges 115. 81 " Assessing $109. 22 Omitted by Assessor Comm' 8 per Cent 8. 73 $ 355. 96 Dr 2239. 92 Cr 355. 96 Balance due the State $1883. 96
of Alachua County held at Newnansville on the 1st for Settlement as tax Collector for said County for the year correct. It is therefore Considered by the Board that the his Settlement with the Treasury Department. For Amount allowed for assessing taxes $ 125. 22 " " " " Collecting " 106. 20 " Assessing $109. 22 Omitted by Assessor 8. 73 " Insolvancies and Overcharges 115. 81 $ 355. 96 dollars and ninety six Cents allowed said Tax Collector deducted two cants, the total amount of Revenue for 1846 leaves a and eighty three dollars and ninety Six Cents H.C. Wilson President of the Board
of the Court that such was the Contract price between the said Claimant and J.W. Pearson who was Authorized by a previous Order from the Court to Contract from the same the said Account is hereby allowed and Ordered to be paid by the Treasurer --- In the matter of an Acct in favor } of H.C. Wilson against the Court for $15 } H.C. Wilson having presented an Account against the County for a desk
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 30 January 2002
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