Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 112
County Commissioners Court } Gainesville
Alachua County		   }  April 9th 1860
   At a meeting of the board of County Com
missioners Present William Strickland, James 
M. Sparkman, C. Rain, Mathew Hinson 
and E.H. Jordan President of the board
1st Ordered that John Fleming, Jas Mixson & C. Brice 
be appointed Commissioners to mark out and 
open a road, from the corner of Brices 
fence near Wacahoota to Archer Station on 
the Cedar Keys & Fernandina Rail Road
2    Ordered that the bill of Lumber & for hauling 
the same to John L. Cameron amounting to       
5 90/100 be paid lumber for the bridge over 
Sweet Water Branch near Gainesville
3    Ordered that School Teachers in presenting their 
bills for schooling for poor children who come 
under the order made for paying such bills 
be required to make an affidavit 
setting forth the time said pupils were a school &c
4    Ordered that Jas B. Baileys A/c for lumber 
Hauling and laying down same on bridge over Hog Town 
Creek amounting to Seventeen and 24/100 dollars be 
allowed and paid
5    Ordered that the school bill of M.J. Landferd 
amounting to Twenty five dollars be paid
6    Ordered that the school bill of J.H. Roper 
amounting to nineteen dollars be paid
7    Ordered that the school bill of John W. Mann 
amounting to Thirteen dollars & 33 Cents be paid
8    Ordered that David F. Fryers Official bond as 
Tax Assessor & Collector for two years from Oct 
1859 be and is hereby approved
9    Ordered that a road be marked and cut out 
from the Fort Crane ford of the Prarie Creek in 
Paines Prarie to intersect the Micanopy road 
at or near the stables ocupied by C.A. Ramsey 
for his Stage horses near the residence of 
E.E. Adamson and that Joseph Micle, Jas C. Zetrour 
and John Staferd be appointed Commissioners to cary 
out the provisions of this Order
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 20 September 2002
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