Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 114
        Wacassa Beat No1
Commencing at a point on the Santifee 
River where the line dividing Range 16 & 17 
crosses said River, running thence South along 
said River to the Levy County line, that 
portion of Alachua County lying West of the 
above mentioned Range line shall Comprise 
Beat No1
        Newnansville Beat No2
Commencing at a point on the Santifee 
River Range line dividing 16 & 17 crosses 
said River running thence South along 
said Range line to the South West corner 
Sec 18 Township 9 Range 17 thence east 
to the South East Corner Sec 13 Township 9 
Range 19 thence North along said Range 
line to the Santifee River
           Waldo Beat No3
Commencing at the SW Corner Sec 18 T.9 R.
20 and running from that point North 
to New River County line and East to the 
Putnam County line, the Territory lying E & N 
of said lines in Alachua County shall 
Comprise beat No3
          Morrisons Mills Beat No4
Commencing at the NW Corner of Sec 
22 T.9 R. 21 and run thence E to 
the Putnam County line & S to the 
Marion County line, the Territory 
lying S & E of said lines in Alachua 
County shall comprise beat No4
         Gainesville Beat No5
Commencing at the NE Corner Sec 21 T.
9  R.21 run thence West to the North West 
Corner Sec 19 T.9 R.19 thence South to the 
South west Corner T.10 R.19 thence east 
to the SE Corner of sec 33 T. 10 R.21 Thence 
North to the North east Corner Sec 21 T.9 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 21 September 2002
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