Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 014
     In the matter of the petition  
      for public roads 
       A petition of twelve Free holders of the County having 
been presented to the Board praying that the road leading 
from Newnansville to Santafee River to cross said River at a 
place Called and known as Crews Ferry, be recognized 
by the Board as a public Road be opened and repaired
and henceforth acknowledged as a public Road, and 
Samuel R. Piles  appointed a Commissioner thereon 
      In the matter of }
         public Roads  }
       The following alterations were made in the appointment
 of Commissioners on the following roads. ----- 
       On the road heading from Newnansville to Natural 
Bridge Thomas J. Prevatt and Simion Dell. 
       On the road from Fort Crane to Orange Springs 
where the said road intersects the road leading from Orange 
Creek to Black Creek, David Gillet and Wiley Daniels 
Commissioners ---- All persons living in the District of County 
lying east of the road leading from Micanopy to Fort Harlee, 
and between the River Sticks and the Picolata Trail 
to be considered as properly belonging to the aforesaid 
road and Subject to duty---- 
        On the road leading from Fort Harlee being 
the 7th road District to the place where said road 
interesects the road leading from Newnansville to Fort 
Clark, William B. Hart, John Wiggins and Dan'l Lynn 
appointed as Commisioners ---- Said Commisioners to be 
entitled to all the hands living in the district of 
Country Comprised within the following limites --- 
Commencing at Newnances Lake, running thence up 
Little Hatchet Creek across to the head of Hog 
Town and from and fromthence to the Wolf Place, all 
hands living on the south side of said road 
leading from Ellis' to Fort Tailor and within one 
mile of it belong to said road---- 
       On the road leading from Micanopy to 
Fort Harlee, John H May and R.G. Levingston 
       The above alterations have been made in
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 30 January 2002
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