Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 016
       Alachua County  Est Fla
In the matter of an acc't } in favor of John B. Standly for $7. 20. } John B. Standly having presented an Acc't against the County for lumber furnished for flooring Court House and it having been proven to the satisfaction of the Court by the President of the Board that said lumber was received and used for the Court House, It is hereby ordered that said Acc't of $7. 20 be allowed and paid by the Treasurer. H.C. Wilson President Ordered that the Treasurer pay the fees due the Board up to this date. J.W. Pearson and Samuel Geiger of the former Board $2 dollars each $ 4. 00 H.C. Wilson President 3 3. 00 Board elected in 1847. Asa Clark 3 days attendance $2. each 6. 00 Samuel B. Colding 3 days " 2 " 6. 00 Peter Sparkman 2 " 2 " 4. 00 Hezikiah Osteen 2 " 2 " 4. 00 H.C. Wilson Pres't of board 3d 3 " 9. 00 $36.00 There being no other business before the Court it stands adjourned till the next regular term of the Court ---- H.C. Wilson President &c
Commissioners Court Newnansville April 3rd 1848 At a regular term of the above Court holden in and for Alachua County, for the transaction of County business present the Honorable Charles F. Fitchet Judge of Probate and President of said Board in and for the said County, and Samuel B. Colding & Asa Clark County Commissioners in and for said County. In the matter of the election of } Jurors for Alachua & Levy Counties }
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 30 January 2002
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