Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 019
       Alachua County  Est Fla
Commissioners Court held at Newnansville Special Term May the 1st A.D. 1848 At a special Term of the Court held at Newnansville May the first day A.D. 1848. Present C. F. Fitchet President of the Board and Samuel B. Colding, Asa Clark and Peter Sparkman Esq's Commissioners a quorum of the members being present the board proceeded to business. --- In the matter of a County Jail it is ordered that the Judge of Probate or President of the Board shall receive proposals for the building of jail for and during the next ten days that at the end of said ten days the said President shall enter into Contract with the lowest bidder, who will give good security for the building of said jail within one month thereafter. That said jail shall be of hewed logs dovetailed together, double pinned, one pin inside, the other with logs set on end between Shall be of heavy logs with double set of logs. --- 1foot square for a floor, One tier of logs on the top and the whole will Covered with heart Shingles - That all of the logs shall be square - That the jail shall be Sixteen feet clear on the inside, that there shall be a trap door in the loft, that the door shall be of two inch plank doubled and spiked together - that the trap door shall be two and a half feet by three -- that there shall be a door in the gable end above the logs - that the gable ends and said door shall be of plank and strongly made - that it shall be twelve feet between the floors & there shall be two logs height above the upper floor -- That there shall be two windows or air holes eighteen by twenty four inches Square Secured by a double set of large iron bars Crossing each other - That the doors shall be fixed with strong hinges & locks and a ladder for the trap door - that there shall be a sink or hole for a spring inside secured as well as possible - that said hole shall not be over Six inches in diameter that said President may add other Conditions or particulars but without materially varying the foregoing ---- That James Pendarvis, Bennett M. Dell, and Samuel R. Piles be appointed to examine said jail and decide whether it agrees with the foregoing description and the Contract --- In case they approve the work it shall be received, and
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 February 2002
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