Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 020
       Alachua County  Est Fla
then the President of the Board shall issue an order on the Treasurer for the amount Contracted to be paid. In the matter of Streets in Newnansville it is ordered that the Sheriff Shall give notice to those persons who have fenced up the streets of Newnansville, to remove said obstructions and in case of noncompliance within a reasonable time, he shall cause such obstructions to be removed -- In the matter of County taxes it is hereby ordered by the Board that the previous order about County taxes shall be revoked and there shall be twenty five per cent on the State tax be levied as a County tax during the present year --- In the matter of expenses of keeping the prisoner Wm H. Watson it is ordered that the President of the Board audit the accounts and allow such as may appear reasonable and just, And order the Treasurer to pay the same when there shall be sufficient funds otherwise not appropriated. In the matter of the Bridge at Fort Harley it is ordered that whenever it is approved by the Commissioners, the Treasurer will pay over to the Contractor the amount of the Contract. It is ordered that the President of the Board, Asa Clark, Peter Sparkman, and Samuel Colding be paid two dollars each by the Treasurer for this days service --- There being no further business before the Court it is Ordered by the Board that the Court stand adjourned until Monday the third day of July next. Charles F. Fitchet Judge &c
Commissioners Court Special Term Held at Newnansville July 3rd 1848 At a special term of the Court held at Newnansville July the 3rd day A.D. 1848. Present Charles F. Fitchet President of said board and Samuel B. Colding, Asa Clark & Peter Sparkman Esq's Commissioners a majority of the Board being present the Board proceeded to business In the matter of the jail it was considered that there shall be two additional grates put in and it is ordered that five dollars be paid to Asa Clark for
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 February 2002
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