Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 022
       Alachua County  Est Fla
votes given for the Office of Representative to Congress is three hundred and seventeen votes, And that of these votes William P. Duvall received one hundred and sixty eight (168) votes, And E.C. Cabel received one hundred and forty nine (149) votes. And the whole number of votes given for the Office of Senator from the (15th) Senatorial District is two hundred and ninety one votes (291) and that of these votes Louis Aldrich received One hundred and seventy four (174) votes, and Horace Merry received one hundred and seventeen (117) votes. And the whole number of votes given for the Office of Representative to the General Assembly is two hundred and ninety six (296) votes, and of these Votes M.S. Perry received eleven votes and Thomas J. Prevatt received one hundred and sixty six (166) votes, And Moses Ramsey received One hundred and nineteen (119) votes. Witness our hands and seals this day of October A.D. 1848 Charles F. Fitchet (L.S.) Judge of Probates Robert Youngblood (L.S.) Samuel W. Jones (L.S.) Inspectors
Commissioners Court Special Term Held at Newnansville November 6th 1848 At a Special Term of the Commissioners Court held at Newnansville November 6th 1848. Present Charles F. Fitchet President of said Board, and Wm Dell & Samuel B. Colding Esq's A majority of the Board being present the Board proceeded to business --- In the matter of Joel B. Smith Tax Assessor & Collector of Alachua County presented his accounts for settlement the said Tax Collector presented his insol- vent list and the amount of overcharges and insolvencies examined and allowed by the Board is eighty four dollars Sixty two and a half Cents ($84. 62 1/2) and balance due the State is twenty three hundred and forty nine dollars and twenty three cents (2349. 23) list of taxes due for which levies have been made is eight hundred and fifty five dollars and sixty five and a half cents
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 February 2002
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