Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 023
       Alachua County  Est Fla
($855. 65 1/2) In the matter of appointing Road Commissioners on the road leading from Newnansville to the Natural Bridge, It is therefore ordered by the Board that Simion Dell, Jacob Stroble and James Pendarvis be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of said road and required by he Board of County Commissioners to have said road put in good repair forthwith. And on the road leding from Newnansville to Wacahoota it s also ordered that Cornelius Rein & John Jos. Sanchez are hereby appointed Commissioners of said road to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna- tion of Thos. C. Ellis and Samuel B. Colding, And they are also required to have said road put in repair --- In the matter of John W. Pearson former County Treasurer presented his accounts by William Dell agent for settlement and we have examined his accounts as presented by said agent and find them to be correct it is therefore ordered that said accounts be allowed and that J.W. Pearson make a settlement immediately with William Dell the present County Treasurer It is ordered that the County Treasurer pay the President of the Board, Samuel B. Colding & William Dell the sum of two dollars each per day for their services for attending the Board of Commissioners One day ---- It is further ordered by the Board that the County Treasurer pay to C.F. Fitchet fifteen dollars for services There being no other business before the Board it is Ordered that the Court stand adjourned untill its regular term in Course Charles F. Fitchet President &c
Commissioners Court January Term Held at Newnansville January 29th 1849 A Special term of the Commissioners Court held at Newnansville January 29th 1849 --- Present the Hon' C. F. Fitchet Judge and President of said Board, Samuel B. Colding and William Dell Esq' being present the Board proceeded to business. In the matter of assessing a County tax for County purposes it is ordered by the Board that the Tax Assessor
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 February 2002
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