Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 031
       Alachua County  Est Fla
for the Office of County Surveyor is two and of these votes John K. Fitchet received two votes Witness our hands and seals this the 11th day of October A.D. 1849 Samuel Russell (L.S.) Calvin Bryan (L.S.) James A. Curten (L.S.) Charles F. Fitchet (Seal) Judge of Probate
Commissioners Court Newnansville Oct'r 22nd 1849 At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Alachua County, Present the Hon' C. F. Fitchet Judge and President of said Board, Samuel B. Colding and Peter Sparkman Commissioners a quorum of the Board being present they proceeded to business --- Joel B. Smith assessor and Collector of the State and County taxes for the fiscal year 1849, presented his insolvent list and Account for Settlement, the amount of insolvencies and overcharges is One hundred and twenty nine dollars forty and three fourths Cents, the amount of taxes assessed since the first day of April 1949, and which are not reported in the assessment Book forwarded to the Comptrollers office is one hundred and seventy nine dollars five and a half cents, list of taxes due for which levies have been made by Joel B. Smith Collected upon lands which is advertised for sale and also for taxes for Collection of which has been enjoined by the Circuit Court, to wit Amount due on land advertised for six months is three hundred and eighty one dollars and fifty one 1/4 Cents ($381. 52 1/4) Amount due on lands advertised for three months is three hundred and fourteen dollars, thirty and 3/4 cents ($314.30 3/4) Amount enjoined by the Circuit Court is Three hundred and forty one dollars and sixty six scents ($341.66) the balance due the State is two thousand and forty nine dollars and thirty four & 1/2 Cents ($2049.34 1/2 Cents) It is hereby ordered that the County Treasurer pay to Charles F. Fitchet President of the Board of Commissioners
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 February 2002
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