Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 032
       Alachua County  Est Fla
Samuel B. Colding and Peter Sparkman Commissioners two dollars each per day for this days attendance on the Board of County Commissioners. There being no other business before the Board it is ordered that it stand adjourned to some other indefinite time --- Charles F. Fitchet President
State of Florida } S.S. We the Subscribers and Judge of County of Alachua } Probates for the County of Alachua and inhabitants of said County, having the qualification of voters therein and selected by said Judge of Probate to assist him in Canvassing and Counting the votes given for the Office of County Commissioners as shown by the returns filed in the Office of said Judge at an Election held at the several Precincts in said County on Saturday the twenty seventh day of October last 1849, in Consequence of the tie between John J. Sanchez and David Mizele on Monday the first day of October last --- After having Carefully Canvassed Counted the votes hereby Certify the following to be a true return of the votes given at said election --- The whole number of votes given for the Office of County Commissioner is thirty seven vote, and of these votes David Mizell received five votes, and John J. Sanchez received two votes. Witness our hands and seals this the 6th day of Nov 1849 Charles F. Fitchet (Seal) George L. Brown J.L. Cole
Commissioners Court Newnansville Jan'y 14th A.D. 1850 At a Special Meeting of the County Commissioners for Alachua County, Present the Hon' Charles F. Fitchet President of the Board, George L. Brown, John B. Standley, Samuel B. Colding and David Mizell Commissioners the Board being full they proceeded to Business --- The matter of Building a Court House for Alachua County was taken into Consideration, It is hereby ordered
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 February 2002
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