Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 035
       Alachua County  Est Fla
and John B. Standley Esq'r being present the Court proceeded to business --- In the matter of Samuel W. Burnett Contractor for the building of the Court House for Alachua County, appeared before the Commissioners and entered into an agreement for the building of said building and applied for funds to Commence the same it is therefore ordered that the County Treasurer pay to said Burnett five hundred dollars out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated --- Order 2nd In the matter of the road leading from the Ellis place to Fort Crane, It is hereby ordered, that the order passed by the Commissioners on the 2nd day of April A.D. 1849, be and the same is hereby repealed and it is hereby further ordered, that Daniel Lynn, Wm B. Hart and Josiah Seckinger be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of said road --- Order 3rd On the road leading from Newnansville to Fort Clark, It is ordered that A.E Geiger and Calvin Bryan be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of said road, in the place of John J. Sanchez, Enoch Geiger removed, and they are hereby required to put said road in good repair --- Order 4th It is further ordered that the County Treasure pay Charles F. Fitchet Judge and President of said Board, Samuel B. Colding, George L. Brown and John B. Standly, two dollars each per day for their services in attending the Board of Commissioners this day --- There being no further business before the Board it is ordered that the Board Stand adjourned until the 2nd day of July next Charles F. Fitchet President
State of Florida } S.S. We the Subscribers and judge of Probate in Alachua County } and for the County aforesaid, and inhabitants of said County having the qualification of voters therein, and being selected by said Judge of Probate to assist him in Canvassing and Counting the votes given for each office, and for the several persons for each office as shown by the returns filed in the Office of said Judge at an Election held at the several precincts in said County on Monday the 7th day of October A.D. 1850 --- After having carefully canvassed and counted the votes
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 February 2002
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