Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 036
       Alachua County  Est Fla
hereby certify under our hand that the following is a true return of the votes given at said Election --- Viz. The whole number of votes given for the Office of Representative to the Congress of the United States, was three hundred and five (305) votes, and of these votes Edward C. Cabel received one hundred and fifty five votes (155) and John Beard received one hundred and fifty votes (150) and the whole number given for the Register of Public Lands was two hundred and ninety two votes (292) and of these votes M.D. Papy received one hundred and forty four votes (144) and David S. Walker received one hundred and forty eight votes (148) the whole number of votes given for Assemblyman was two hundred and fifty nine votes (259) and of these votes John B. Standley received one hundred and sixty two votes (162) and Asa Clark received ninety seven votes (97) the whole number of votes given for County Surveyor was seventy five votes (75) and of these votes George Watson Jun'r received forty four votes (44) and John C. Richard Jun'r received thirty one votes (31. Witness our hands and seal this 16th October A.D. 1850 Charles F. Fitchet (Seal) Judge of Probate Samuel Russell Samuel W. Burnett
Newnansville November 4th 1850 At a Special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, present the Hon' Charles F. Fitchet Judge of Probate , Sam'l B. Colding, John B. Standley and David Mizell Esq's Commissioners being present they proceeded to business --- Order 1st The Sheriff and tax Collector of Alachua County Presented his Book for examination, the amount of double tax is six hundred and forty six dollars and ninety two Cents ($646. 92) the amount of overcharges is forty one dollars ($41. 00) the amount of insolvencies is three dollars and thirty Cents ($3. 30) the amount of additional list of taxes is nineteen dollars and fifty eight Cents ($19. 58) Amount of taxes levied and advertised is six hundred and thirty eight dollars and thirty six Cents ($638. 36) Amount due the State is twelve hundred
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 February 2002
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