Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 037
       Alachua County  Est Fla
and fifty eight dollars and forty four Cents ($1248. 44) Amount due the County is Six hundred and twenty four dollars and twenty two cents ($624. 22) --- Order 2nd It is hereby ordered that in addition to the fees allowed and passed at the meeting of the County Commissioners on the 14th day of January A.D. 1850 to the County Surveyor he shall receive in addition to that fee ten Cents per mile to be paid by the employer of Said Surveyor the said mileage to be estimated to be estimated from the Court House to the place where the surveying is to be done --- Order 3rd It is hereby ordered by the Board of County Commissioners that the Judge of Probate be and he is authorized to be Town Commissioner and he is hereby authorized to give Title deeds for all Town Lots sold and that may hereafter be sold in the Town of Newnansville on presentation to him of the Original receipt or in case such receipt may be lost or mislaid or destroyed and satisfactory evidence of the same shall be furnished him by the parties interested --- Order 4th It is hereby ordered that the County Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to pay to Elija Barrow ($12.00) twelve dollars for placing up mile posts on the Black Creek Road from Newnansville --- Order 5th It is hereby further ordered that Charles F. Fitchet Judge of Probate and President of the Board of County Commissioners John B. Standley, Samuel B. Colding and David Mizell be paid by the County Treasurer two dollars each per day for this days service in attending on the County Commissioners --- Order 6th It is further order that the Board of County Commissioners Stand adjourned to some indefinite time --- Charles F. Fitchet President &c
Newnansville March 10th A.D. 1851 At a Special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners present the Hon' C.F. Fitchet Judge of Probate and President of said Board, George L. Brown and Samuel B. Colding Commissioners there being a quorum the Board proceeded to business The Sheriff C.L. Wilson presented the list of Jurors to be examined by said Board, the Commissioners examined the said list and ordered it to be returned to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Alachua County
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 February 2002
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