Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 039
       Alachua County  Est Fla
Commissioners Court Regular term held at Newnansville June the 2nd A.D. 1851--- Present the Hon' C F. Fitchet judge of Probate and President of the Board of County Commissioners, George L. Brown Samuel B. Colding and Elija Barrow Commissioners of the County of Alachua a quorum being present the Board proceeded to business --- Charles L. Wilson Sheriff and Tax Assessor and Collector presented his tax book for examination by the Board of County Commissioners, it was moved and seconded that the said books be referred to George L. Brown one of the Commissioners for examination to see they all Correspond and report the same to the next meeting of the Board to be on Monday the 16th day of this instant --- Order 2nd The matters of the roads was taken into consideration and the following persons were appointed by the Board of County Commissioners as Road Commissioners of the several Road Districts in said County of Alachua to Wit --- It is hereby ordered that on the Belamy Road leading from Newnansville to the Santafee at the Natural Bridge, that Thomas W. Piles, Jacob G. Stroble and Philip Dell be and they are hereby appointed Road Commissioners on said road. And they are further ordered after being qualified to meet and lay off the roads in their respective Districts into Road Divisions of Convenient length and apportion the hands liable to work on the same according to the Statute in such cases made and provided and to have said road worked on and put in good repair --- Road District No. 2 It is hereby ordered that the road leading from Casons ford on the Santafee to where it intersects the Belamy road near Co'l James Dell's Mill, that N.A. Strobahn, John C. Richard and John B. Cason be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of said road and also Commissioners on the road leading from John C. Richard Sen'r to Monte Oak Bay. And they are further ordered that after being qualified to meet and lay off the roads in their respective District into Road divisions of Convenient length and apportion the hands liable to work the same, According to the Statute in such cases made and provided and have said road worked and put in good repair --- Remarks. The County Commissioners would respectfully suggest that the Road Commissioners of these three roads meet in conjunction to apportion the hands for said roads ---
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 February 2002
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