Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 042
            Alachua County  Est Fla
       The whole number of votes given for the Office of Justices of the Peace 
in the first District was sixteen votes (16) and of these votes Thomas J. Prevatt
received the number of fifteen votes (15) and Samuel W. Burnett received sixteen votes (16) --- 
       The whole number of votes given for the Office of Justices of the 
Peace of the sixth District was eight votes and of these votes Daniel 
Lynn received seven votes (7) and Andrew Robb received seven votes (7) 
       The whole number of votes given for the Office of Justices of 
the Peace of the fifth District was twelve votes (12) and of these Henry 
Bochknight received twelve votes (12) and John S. Livingston received 
eleven votes (11) ---             In witness whereof we have hereunto 
                                Set our hands this 7th day of July A.D. 1851 
                                       Charles F. Fichet Judge of Probate 
                                         John W. Burnett 
                                          M. Obryon 
Commissioners Court Special term August 9th 1851 Present the Hon' C.F. Fitchet Judge of Probate and President of said Board of Comm'r, Samuel B. Colding, Elija Barrow and George L. Brown Commissioners of the County of Alachua a quorum being present the Board proceeded to business --- Order 1st The Order of laying the County of Alachua into Justices Districts on the 2nd day of April 1851, so far as the first Justice District is Concerned be and it is hereby recinded. At the line of said Justices District Commence at the mouth of Rocky Creek and Continue up said Creek to the head of said Creek, there intersect the road running from Fort Harley to Fort Clark from thence on said road to Fort Clark, from Fort Clark on the road leading from Fort Clark to Levy County line on said County line to the Sewanee River from thence up said River to the mouth of Santafee River, up said River to the mouth of Rocky Creek the place of Commencement --- Order 2nd William Dell the County Treasurer presented his accounts and vouchers for examination, and it being examined by the County Commissioners. And on examination they find remaining in the hands of the Treasurer the sum of five hundred and fifty three dollars and eighty one cents ($553. 81) and after examination of said acc'ts and vouchers find them to be correct it is therefore ordered that the said accounts and vouchers be received and passed --- Order 3rd It is hereby ordered by the County Commissioners
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 February 2002
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