Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 043
            Alachua County  Est Fla
        It is hereby ordered that the County Treasurer pay Sam'l W. 
Burnett Five hundred dollars for building the Court House out of any 
money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated --- 
        Order 4th On the presentation of a petition of a number of the 
Citizens of Micanopy and in that vicinity, inhabitants and house 
holders praying the Board of County Commissioners to grant them an 
order to have a road cut and made public leading from Micanopy 
to Flemington by a nearer rote that which is now traveled and over equally 
as good land -- Now upon reading the petition here from the said petitioners 
it is therefore and hereby ordered by the said Board of County Commissioners that the 
prayer of said petitioners be answered.  And that R.S. Stoughton, A.N. Hale, 
R.R. Limbough be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of said road 
and they are hereby further ordered that after being qualified, to proceed 
forthwith to examine the route and mark it out and have said road cut 
out and put in good order for traveling as far as the County line of Alachua 
and Marion Counties.  And they are fully authorized to take a sufficient 
number of hands that may be convenient to said road to work and put 
said road in good repair for traveling forthwith --- 
       Order 5th   It is hereby ordered that the County Treasurer pay 
to Charles F. Fitchet Judge and President of the Board of Comm'r, Samuel 
B. Colding, Elija Barrow and G.L. Brown two dollars each per day 
for this days service in attending on the Board of Commissioners --- 
        There being no further business before the Board of Comm'rs it is 
ordered that the Board Stand adjourned to some other Meeting or its regular 
term ---                                  Charles F. Fitchet 
                                             Judge of Probate 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 February 2002
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