Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 047
            Alachua County  Est Fla
        Order 3rd It is further ordered by the said Board of County 
Commissioners, that the Tax assessor and Collector of Alachua County be released
from a double tax of       Dollars as will appear by an additional list 
of 1850, on land supposed to be owned by Thomas Murphy but owned by 
Thomas Napier --- 
       Charles L. Wilson Sheriff  presented and account of five dollars 
37 1/2 cts for Court expenses against the County.  An examination of said 
account by the Board of County Commissioners, it is therefore ordered by said Board
of Comm'r that the County Treasurer pay said account out of any money 
in the Treasury not other wise appropriated to said Wilson --- 
       It is further ordered that the County Treasurer pay to C. F. Fitchet
President of the Board of County Commissioners, George L. Brown and Elija Barrow two 
dollars each per day for this days attendance on the Board of Commissioners 
out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated --- 
       There being no further business before the Board of Commissioners 
it is therefore ordered that the Board of Commissioners Stand adjourned to some
other meeting, The day and year above written --- 
                                           Charles F. Fitchet 
                                                 President &c 
Commissioners Court at Newnansville November 13th 1851 At a Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners Present the Hon' C.F. Fitchet Judge of Probate and President of the Board of County Commissioners, George L. Brown and Elija Barrow Esq'r A quorum being proceeded to business --- Order 1st C.L. Wilson Sheriff Tax Collector and Assessor presented his list of insolvencies and overcharges of twelve dollars and twenty one Cents which was examined and allowed by the Board of County Commissioners --- Order 2nd C.L. Wilson presented two accounts against the County for Court Charges and expenses one for December Term for 1850, and one for the May Term 1851, both accounts amounting to thirteen dollars and eighteen Cents, which is hereby ordered by the said Board of Commissioners that the County Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay said accounts out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated --- Order 3rd Charles F. Fitchet Judge of Probate presented an acc't against the County for services &c, on examination of said account by the Board of Commissioners found it to be correct and in accordance with the same it is hereby ordered by said Board of Comm'r that the said account of sixty five dollars and forty four cents be allowed and it is
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 February 2002
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