Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 004
            Alachua County Est Fla
Alachua County. S.S. We the Subscribers & Judge of Probate for the County aforesaid and inhabitants of said County having the qualification of Voters therein, selected by said Judge of probate to assist him in canvassing and counting the votes given for each Office and for the several persons for each office as shown by the returns filed in the Office of said Judge, At an Election held at the several precincts in said County on Monday the fifth day of October eighteen hundred and forty six, After having Carefully canvassed and Counted said Votes, do hereby Certify that the following is a true return of the votes given at said Election Viz. --- The whole number of votes given for the Office of Representative to the thirtieth Congress of the United States from the State of Florida is two hundred and forty five Votes, and that of these votes William A. Kain received one hundred and fifty Votes, and Edward C. Cabel received ninety five votes, and that the whole number of votes given for the Office of Senator from the fifteenth Senatorial District to the next general assembly is two hundred and thirteen votes, and that of these votes Gabriel Priest received One hundred and thirty eight Votes, and John Curry received seventy five votes And that the whole number of Votes given for the Office of Representative to the next general Assembly from said County is two hundred and sixteen Votes and of these votes Louis Aldrich received one hundred and forty two Votes, Daniel Gillet received forty Six Votes, and Joseph Howel received twenty eight Votes Signed Charles L. Dell Judge of Probate Samuel Russell John Helvingston (Inhabitants and voters of said County) Recorded October 16th 1846 Charles L. Dell Judge of Probate
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 30 January 2002
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