Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 049
            Alachua County  Est Fla
       Order 5th We the said Board further order that a sufficient Am't 
of money to finish the Court House be appropriated from the Taxes of 
the present year --- 
       Order 6th We the said Board further order that Richard H. 
Parker be paid out of the County funds the sum thirty eight 50/100 
dollars, being the balance due him for building a bridge on the 
Black Creek Road --- 
       Order 7th   Ordered that the Portico in front of the Court House 
be altered so as to protect the building from water --- 
       Order 8th   Ordered that the County Treasurer pay to A.M. Caston 
President of the Board, John B. Standley, Wyatt C. Allen and Wm H. Brooks
Commissioners and Charles L. Wilson Sheriff, the sum of two dollars each 
for this days attendance --- 
          There being no further business, it is ordered that the Board of 
County Commissioners be adjourned --- 
                                            A.M. Caston 
                                                Judge of Probate 
Commissioners Court Newnansville 2nd February 1852 At a Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners Present John B. Standly, Wm H. Brooks and Wyatt C. Allen Comm'r and A.M. Caston Judge of Probate President, now proceed to business --- Order 1st The claims of Marion County for taxes paid to the Tax Collector of Alachua County, by M.E. Levy and others Claimants in the Arredondo Grant in the year 1846, being presented by a letter from John M. McIntosh Judge of Probate for Marion County. We the said Board of County Commissioners for Alachua County Order the president of this Board, to reply to the above named letter in the following manner, that they the Claimants for Marion County make out their Claims and the amount thereof in a regular form of an account or Claim and present the same to this Board, if on examination we are satisfied of its Correctness we will Satisfactory Arrangements in the matter --- Order 2nd We the said Board further order that Judge of Probate be allowed one dollar for making Title deeds for each Town Lot sold to be paid by the purchaser and three per cent on the amount of money received and paid to Treasurer for the sale of Town Lots --- Order 3rd We the said Board further order that the jail for this County be repaired and made sufficient to hold prisoners that may be put in or in such a manner as the Sheriff may direct ---
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 February 2002
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