Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 050
            Alachua County  Est Fla
         Order 4th   We the said Board Further order that on the road 
leading from Newnansville to Fort Clark that said road be put back 
on the old road leaving the present road on the North side of the head 
of dry branch and running into the road now used in the oaky 
woods where the old road intersects it --- 
        Order 5th   We the said Board further order that Clarks Sand 
Hill be causewayed by the hands now subject to work said road and 
that the President of the Board have the road Commissioners served with 
a notice of this order forthwith, and that Joseph G. Bell be appointed 
Road Commissioner in place of Wyatt C. Allen --- 
        Order 6th   We the said further order that the Contract for 
finishing the Court House be given to the lowest bidder after 
advertising the same for thirty days --- 
        Order 7th  Ordered that the County Treasurer pay to A.M. 
Caston President, John B. Standley, Wm H. Brooks and Wyatt C. Allen 
Commissioners and Charles L. Wilson Sheriff two dollars each for this 
days service --- 
          There being no other business it is ordered that the Board 
of County Commissioners be adjourned --- 
                                     A.M. Caston 
                                        Judge of Probate 
Commissioners Court May 3rd 1852 --- At a Special Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, Present William J. Turner and Wm H. Brooks Commissioners and A.M. Caston Judge of probate and President and proceeded to business --- Order 1st We the said Board Order that Wm Dell County Treasurer report this evening the amount of Assets in the Treasury and it is further ordered that the County Treasurer make to this Board quarterly returns of all of his transactions as County Treasurer --- Order 2nd It is further ordered that the County Tresurer Surveyor resurvey the Town of Newnansville and file in the Office of the Judge of probate a plat of said Town to be paid for said Survey and plat out of any money in the Treasury of the County not otherwise appropriated, It is further ordered that after the surveying is finished all Town lots belonging to this County that are unsold shall be sold to the highest bidder for cash by the Judge of Probate, after giving thirty days notice of the sale the proceeds of the sale to be paid to the Treasurer.
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 23 February 2002
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