Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 051
            Alachua County  Est Fla
Whereas Lemuel Wilson has contracted for four lots and paid in 
consideration one dollar it is ordered that if said Wilson pays 
the balance of the purchase money on or before the day of the sale that 
Titles be made to him otherwise to be sold to the highest bidder 
for cash ---
	Order 3rd It is further ordered that the Clerk of the Circuit 
Court, and the Judge of Probate Court be directed to make indexes 
to all books of Record in their Offices respectively and to arrange 
said offices in a proper manner.  And that they be allowed therefore 
a fair compensation, to be paid whenever sufficient unappropriated 
funds shall be in the County Treasury, explanation it is known 
that the Offices heretofore have been irregularly kept and all 
former records are without indexes it is that part of their 
Offices before their terms of Office Commenced that they are to be 
paid for arranging the Compensation to be estimated by the Board 
of County Commissioners ---
	Order 4th It is further ordered that the lots bargained for 
by John B. Standley, C.F. Fitchet, Lemuel Wilson, Samuel W. Burnett 
and J.G. Dell are considered sold to them, provided they pay the whole 
amount of purchase money on or before the day of the sale of 
the other unsold Lots.  Titles shall be made to them ---
	Order 5th   It is further ordered that Lot No. 5 of North half 
range bargained to J.G. Dell, be sold to him for fifteen dollars with 
the following resun viz.   That all that part of said Lot occupied 
by graves be laid out by Tho's J. Prevatt and Stephen Fagan the part so 
laid out be reserved from sale.  And Titles shall be made to him for 
the balance of said Lot on the payment of the amount above named ---
	Order 6th It is further ordered that the Judge of Probate pur
chase a suitable Book for keeping the records of the proceedings of the 
County Commissioners to be paid out of the County Treasury, And that he 
the said Judge of Probate is hereby required to transcribe all the former pro
ceedings of said Commissioners into said Book for which he shall be 
allowed a fair Compensation to be estimated by said Board of County 
Commissioners ---
	Order 7th We the said Board order that the County treasurer pay 
to Wm J. Turner, Wm H. Brooks Commissioners and A.M. Caston Pres't 
of the Board three dollars each for their services at this Meeting 
of the Board. Two days                  A.M.  Caston
                                           Judge of Probate
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 28 June 2002
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