Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 005
     Alachua County Est Fla
Commissioners Court, Newnansville 18th Nov'r 1846 At a meeting of County Commissioners for the County of A.C. on the eighteenth Nov'r 1846 Present J.W. Pearson, Joseph J. Knight Samuel Geiger After J.W. Pearson president of the Board proceeded to make settlement with Thomas C. Ellis Tax Collector for Alachua County as follows Viz. Taxes for 1845 Thomas C. Ellis in Account With State of Florida Dr To whole am't taxes assessed by assessor $3082. 68 " " assessed by Sheriff 94. 60 3177. 28 Cr By overcharges $1563. 53 " Am't allowed assessor 100. 76 " " " Sheriff for Col' 75. 97 -- -- 1740. 26 Balance due State for 1845 $1437. 02
In the matter of John J. Sanchez Acc't against Alachua County for rent of House to hold Circuit Court in May term 1846 for fifty Dollars $50. 00 Examined and ordered to be paid In the matter of Roman B. Sanchez Acc't for furnishing Books for County Records for eighteen dollars $18. 00 Examined and ordered to be paid The Court took into consideration the necessity of providing a house to hold the next Term of Circuit Court in December 1846. Ordered that J.W. Pearson be Authorized to contract for the same. Upon the petition of twelve Free holders of Alachua County a road was ordered to be laid out from Fort Russell to Fort Crane this Road to Constitute the sixth road
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 30 January 2002
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