Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 059
            Alachua County  Est Fla
	A.M. Caston Judge of Probate presented his acc't 
for services rendered the County the same being examined 
allowed and approved, it is therefore ordered to be paid by the 
Treasurer of any money in the Treasury not otherwise 
appropriated Amount $72. 90.

                      9th November 1852 
	It is by this Board Ordered that the Judge of Probate 
President of this Board apply so much of the County funds 
in his hands for the sale of Town Lots in the Town of 
Newnansville as will pay William J. Turner, Wyatt C. 
Allen, Wm H. Brooks and John B. Standley County 
Commissioners for their services the present year Total 
amount is thirty six dollars $36. 00.
	We have granted to S.F. Halliday the right of a 
Ferry across the Santafee River at Fort White in the County 
of Alachua and hereby order the President of this Board to 
issue a Charter to him to that effect and take his Bond 
to keep said Ferry in repair and at such rates as we 
have regulated and in his possession the condition of 
said Ferry is two dollars for two years.
	On examining the account of Marion County 
against Alachua We are of the opinion that the amount 
thereof is more than we think it should be and we 
hereby order the President of this Board  to make 
a thorough investigation of the matter and ascertain 
the true amount due that County which amount we 
order to be paid to be paid by the Treasurer of this County 
immediately without interest.
	We further order the President of this Board 
for us and in each of our names to examine the Books 
of C.L. Wilson Tax Collector and give him the 
necessary Certificates, the situation of Wilsons 
family being such as renders it impossible to 
bring his matter before the Court to day.
	There being no further business the Court 
Stands adjourned		A.M. Caston
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 28 June 2002
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