Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 066
(334) votes, and I.P. Garrison six (6)
This 9th day of Oct }          C
ober 1856	    }	       a	    
			       n  J.W. Richarson
			       v  F.A. Shannon
			       a  Geo M. Boston
                               s  Judge of Probate
                               s  A. County
 Recorded 10th Oct. 1856       e
	GW Boston J. Probate   r 
State of Florida  }            s
Alachua County	  } We the undersined, do cer
tify the following to be a true and correct ret
urn of Election for Governor, as received from 
the different precincts in said County: 
Whole number of votes five Hundred and and 
twenty five (525) and of that number 
M S Perry received Three Hundred and Thi
rty six (336) and D.S. Walker received 
one Hundred and eighty nine (189)    C
This 9th day of                      a   J.W. Richarson
October 1856		  	     n   F.A. Shannon
                                     v   Geo M. Boston
                                     a   Judge of Probate
                                     s   Alachua County
Recorded 10th Oct. 1856              r
           GW B J. Probate           s

We the undersigned do hereby Certify that the Foregoing is a correct return as received by us of the Election for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court held first Monday in Dec'r 1855 For Bird M. Pearson Fifty votes " Jos B. Lancaster Seventeen votes " Philip Frasier two votes " B.A. Putnam One vote Amounting in all to 70 votes PS Omitted to be H. Bradford recorded, sometime S.L. Nostrand since Geo W. Boston this 4th Dec'r 1856 Judge of Probate ----
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 2 July 2002
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