Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 006
District, Enoch E. Mizell Wily Daniels Joseph Mizell to 
be road Commissioners on said road. 
     Upon the petition of twelve Free holders of Alachua 
County a road was ordered to be laid out from Fort Crane to 
intersect the Newnansville Road at Olmsteds place, this road 
to Constitute the Seventh Road District, David Higginbotham, 
John Sanders and Jas. L. Knight to be Commissioners on 
said road 
                               J.W. Pearson 
                                  President of the Board 
February 6th 1847 The Board of County Commissioners met. Be it ordered that John W. Pearson have and old house located in the Town of Newnansville in Public Square repaired suitably for holding Superior Court and building of two Jury Rooms B.B. Thompson President Ordered that a tax of twenty five per cent on the State be collected for County purposes B.B. Thompson President of the Board Ordered that the Treasurer pay the fees due the Board up to this date, being fifty dollars $50. 00 B.B. Thompson President of the Board
Election Certificate 1847 Alachua County S.S. We the Subscribers and Judge of Probate for the County aforesaid and Inhabitants of said County having the qualification of Voters therein, Selected by said Judge of Probate to assist him in Canvassing and counting the Votes for each office as shown by the returns filed in the Office of said Judge at an election held at the Several precincts in said County on Monday the fourth day of October eighteen hundred and forty seven after having carefully Canvassed and Counted the Votes hereby Certify that the following is a true return of the votes given at said Election Viz.
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 30 January 2002
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