Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 070
	Commissioners               }
 	       Court Alachua County }
	                      Gainesville May 
4th 1857- at a regular meeting of the board of 
County Commissioners, Present Cornelius Rain 
James M. Sparkman and Andrew Robb, President 
of the board, the board being sufficient to transact 
business, proceeded thereto, Order N. 1. It is hereby 
ordered that the County Treasurer correspond 
with C.W. Brush Esq in relation to the matter 
of the Petition of G.B. Fairbanks Esq - agent for 
said C.W. Brush, and report at the first meeting 
of this board, after an answer has been received
N.2 it is ordered that Andrew Robb's bill for Book
*** be paid am't $18 - 7/100 - N. 3.  County Treasurer's 
Books examined, vouchers, receipts &c - deposited in 
the Judge of Probate's Office - approved and passed correct 
N. 4 ordered that J.R. W. Grissom bill for benches for Court 
Room be paid, am't $30 -  N.5 ordered that Dr. G. P. Thomas 
bill for a table for the Clerk's office be paid am't $2.50/100 
N.6 ordered that P.W. Oscar Kourner's bill for a 
Diagram of the Town of Gainesville be paid am't $5 - 
N. 7 ordered that James Cannon's bill for carrying 
Election returns be paid, am't $6 - N.8 ordered 
that Lemuel Wilson's bill for moving county 
furniture records &c be paid am't $15 -- N.9 
Information having been given to this board 
that S.G. Vanlandingham a Road Commissioner 
duly qualified as such has neglected to attend 
to the duties of his office - it is therefore resolved 
that suit be entered against him in a Magistrate's 
Court for the amount of damages, by the Statute 
in such cases made and provided - 
N.10 ordered that Thomas P. Boulware be appointed 
a Commissioner on the Bellamy Road in the place 
of W.H. Sparkman -- N.11 ordered that C. Rain 
J.M. Sparkman and Andrew Robb receive for                O
attendance two dollars each - N.12 ordered               V
that the County Treasurer be authorized to ascertain     E
the cost of two cast iron safes of a suitable size       R
to hold the publick records of the County & report at the next 
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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