Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 077
County Commissioners  }
Court Alachua County  }	Gainesville July 
                        6th A.D. 1857, at a 
regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners 
present Cornelius Rain, J.M. Sparkman and 
Andrew Robb President of the Board, their 
being a quorum present the court proceeded 
to bussiness.  Order N. 1.  John E. Thompson 
is hereby appointed a road Commissioner on 
the road leading from Moses Ramsey's 
to Fort Harlee in place of William May, who 
declined to act he being appointed on another 
road - 2 ordered that the old Court house 
          with the land belonging to the same 
in the Town of Newnansville ^ be sold at publick 
out cry in front of the Court house in the 
Town of Gainesville on the first monday in 
                 terms at sale
the month of October next 3 ordered that 
the report made by C. Rain and Andrew Robb in 
relation to the magistrates districts in this county 
be approved and accepted by this board, 
and further ordered that same be recorded 4.  Ordered 
that James B. Bailey and Andrew Robb be appointed 
by this board to examine the books of the Sheriff 
G.B. Ellis Tax Assessor - 5 ordered that A. Robb's 
Bill of seven dollars for issuing Commissions 
to Captains of Patrole be paid - 6 ordered 
that J.M. Sparkman, C. Rain and Andrew Robb 
be paid two dollars each for this days attendance  
7.  ordered that Andrew Robb and Cornelius Rain 
be paid two dollars each for checking off the County 
into magistrates districts, their being 
no further bussiness the board adjourned 
to meet on the first monday in the month 
of Nov'r Solomon Warren Ju'r was appointed 
a Road Commissioner on the Tampa bay & Newnansville 
Road in the place of Thadeus Warren
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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