Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 080
the mouth of Rocky Creek on the St affee 
River, thence down the St. affee River to the place 
called the Bluff south of the natural Bridge 
thence East to the house of Solomon Warren Sen'r, 
the place of beginning		Signed C. Rain
  	   and	    Andrew Robb   Committee

County Commissioners  }
Court Alachua County  } Gainesville October 
                          3th AD 1857 at a 
Called meeting of the board of County Comm
issioners present J.M. Sparkman, Cornelius Rain 
J.M. Geiger and F.A. Shannon, Andrew Robb 
President of the board their being a full 
attendance the board proceeded to bussiness
ordered that the sale of the old Court house 
in the Town of Newnansville be postponed 
for the present - ordered that James B. Bailey 
and Andrew Robb be authorized and com
missioned by this board to investigate 
the title to the land on which the old Court 
house was built and report the result of such 
investigation at the next meeting of the board 
of County Commissioners of this County - --
Ordered that Henry Fewell's bill of fifty six 
dollars for repairing the Bridge at Fort Harley 
be paid out of any money belonging to the 
County in the hands of James B. Bailey 
the County Treasurer - ordered that J.C***** 
Bill for services of a county Commissioner of twelve 
dollars be paid - Ordered that a New 
Road be opened from Gainesville to mickanopy 
to run across Paines Parerie that the location 
of said road be left to the discretion of the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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