Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 081
following Gentlemen who are hereby 
appointed Commissioners of said road
R.S. Stoughton, J.H. Prescott, Moses 
Frymouth, ordered that the lott of land 
reserved for a Church, and the lot of land 
reserved for a school house and the lot 
of land reserved for a jail (the jail now 
in course of erection being built on a Common) 
be sold at pubilick outcry on the first 
monday in November next for Cash to 
the highest bidder - ordered that the 
money received from the Comptroller 
as the County of Alachua's share of the School 
fund (the amount being $984 - 10/100) 
be taken by the County as a loan until the 
first day of January 1858 - the County by 
her Commissioners agree to pay for the 
use of said money the legal rate of interest 
ordered that A.H. Perry's Bill of $3.60 for 
carrying Election returns be paid -- --- ---
Ordered that the County Treasurer 
pay to C.A. Ramsey the sum of six hund
red Dollars as an advance on his 
Bond for building Jail in the town 
of Gainesville   ordered that Andrew 
Robb's bill of fourty six 28/100 be paid 
ordered that J.M. Sparkman Cornelius 
Rain J.M Geiger F.R. Shannon and Andrew 
Robb be paid two dollars each for this days 
attendance there being no further bussiness 
this board adjourned to meet on the 
first monday in Nov. 1857
			} C. Rain
			} J.M. Sparkman
     Andrew Robb	} J. M. Geiger
  President of the Board} F.R. Shannon
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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