Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 084
County Commissioners }
Court Alachua County }
Gainesville October 20th 1857 - at a regular
called meeting of the board of County Com
missioners, present Cornelius Rain, J.M. 
Sparkman and Andrew Robb President 
of the board - their being a quorum present 
the board proceeded to bussiness -- -- -
Ordered that James B. Bailey be and 
he is hereby authorized to pay to C.
A. Ramsey seven hundred and ninety 
four dollars being the ballance due 
said C.A. Ramsey on his jail Contract 
said jail having been received 
and approved by the board of County 
Commissioners this day -- ordered 
that C.A. Ramsey be paid six Dollars for 
cutting down the trees within sixty 
feet of the Jail and for grubbing and 
peraping the wire grass and other trash
to the distance of twenty five feet 
from the same building - ordered that 
H.H. Colson be paid two dollars and eighty cents 
for carrying the Election returns from fort 
Walker to Gainesville distance estimated 
at 28 Miles 10ยข per mile -- --- ordered 
that Jas B. Bailey and Coln Tilman Ingram 
be paid two Dollars each for assisting 
in Canvassing the votes taken at the recent 
County Election ---- ordered that J.R.W. 
Grissom's bill of eight dollars and 
twenty five cents be paid --- ordered 
that C. Rain J.M. Sparkman and 
Andrew Robb be paid two Dollars
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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