Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 085
each for this days attendance --- ordered 
that Andrew Robb's Bill of six Dollars 
be paid, there being no further bussiness 
to transact the board adjourned to 
meet on the first monday in November 
A.D. 1857 --- 	Cornelius Rain
		J.M. Sparkman
		Andrew Robb
		President of
		the board ------
County Commissioners  }
Court Alachua County  }
Gainesville Dec'r 7 1857 ---- at a called 
meeting of the board of county commissioners 
present C. Rain, J.M. Sparkman and 
Andrew Robb president of the board 
their being a quorum present the board 
proceeded to bussiness -- --- ---
Ordered that the lots in Gainesville 
reserved for school and church purposs 
which were ordered to be sold 
on the first monday in November 
and not sold be sold this day sold 
to the highest bidder for cash 
also will be sold at the same 
time the lot reserved for a Pubilick 
Jail --- ordered that James Cameron's 
Bill for carrying election returns be paid 
am't $2.60/100 -- ordered that David 
Benton's Bill for carrying election returns 
be paid am't - $3-60/100 -- Their being 
no further busseness before the
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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