Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 086
 board it adjourned
			C. Rain
		     J.M. Sparkman
		     Andrew Robb President of the board
PS The board resumed their seals and 
appointed G.L. Denton a Commissioner 
to open a New road from the Levy County 
line to Gainesville --		C. Rain
			   J.M. Sparkman
			  Andrew Robb President of
					The board

County Commissioners  }
Court Alachua County  }	 Gainesville January 
1858.  At a meeting of the board of County 
Commissioners present L. Williams, James C. 
Stanley, George W. Means  James L. Cooper and 
E.H. Jordan President of the board, there 
being a full attendance, the board procee
ded to business  Ordered that the County 
Treasurers book be examined and if found 
correct to have the same Certified by the Judge 
of Probate, Ordered that the Account of And
rew Robb (former Judge of Probate) for services 
rendered Amounting to Two dollars and sixty 
cents be paid
   The next order of business being the election 
of County Treasurer, James B. Bailey was 
unanimously elected
Ordered that the Treasurer be Authorized 
to purchase two fire proof safes One for the 
use of the Circuit Court Clerks Office and 
the other for the Judge of Probate's Office 
said purchase and size of safes to be at the 
discretion of said Treasurer
Ordered that the taxes for County purposes for 
the present year 1858 be assessed at 
Twenty per cent
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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