Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
County Commission Minutes Book 1
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County Commission Minutes Book 1 Page 090
to Newnansville
     There being no other business, the board 
adjourned to their regular term
			E.H. Jordan    President
			 of the board of County

County Commissioners Court  }
Alachua County		    } Gainesville June 21st 
                              1858 At a Called 
meeting of the board of County Commissioners 
Present James L. Cooper, L. Williams and E.H. 
Jordan President of the board.  They proceeded 
to business
Ordered that S.P. Bevill's account of ten 
and 50/100 dollars for furnishing the County Jail 
with three mattresses be passed and ordered 
to be paid
Ordered that Wm. D. Clarke, A. Hague and 
John B. Standley be appointed Commissioners 
to mark out and open a road from Gainesville 
to Newnansville by John B. Standleys
Ordered that John T. McIntosh, Alexander 
Coulter and Tilman Ingram be appointed 
Commissioners on the road from Gainesville to 
Ordered that Sam'l R Pyles N.A. Strobar and 
L. M. Scarborough be appointed Commissioners 
on the road from Newnansville to Fort Call
Ordered that F.A. Underwood, Charles Gavin 
and J.G. Stroble be appointed Commissioners 
on the road from Newnansville to the Natural 
bridge on the Santifee by Wm Hines
Ordered that Jas D. Colson Wm H. Kennedy and 
John B Coker be appointed Commissioners 
on the road from from the Fort Call Road to 
Ordered that W.W. Scott, Peter Sparkman and 
V.R. Prevatt be appointed Commissioners on the 
road from Newnansville to the County line near 
Starke Depot on the Cedar Key & Fernandina R R via 
Fort Harley
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr
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