Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 009
mentioned then and in such case the said 
Seraphina Chaventeau her heirs Executors Admin
istrators or assigns shall and will at any time or 
times after such payment being made as aforesaid 
at the request, cost and charges of the said Moses 
Elias Levy his heirs executors administrators or as
signs, reconvey and reassume all and singular the 
tracts of land hereditaments and premises hereby 
granted and released or intended so to be with 
all every of their appurtenances, unto the said 
Moses Elias Levy his heirs and assigns forever 
or as he or they shall by writing under their 
Hands and seals direct and free from all in
cumbrances whatsoever, whatsoever to be made done 
or committed by the said Seraphina Chaventeau 
her heirs executors administrators or any other person 
or persons whomsoever claiming or to claim under 
her or them or any of them so as for the making 
and doing thereof the said Seraphina Chaventeau 
her heirs executors administrators or assigns be not 
compelled or compellable to go or leave from this his 
or their place or places of abode.  And the 
said Moses Elias Levy for himself his heirs executors 
and administrators and for every of them Doth 
covenant promise grant and agree to and with 
the said Seraphina Chauvinteau her executors 
administrators and assigns, the Interest of 
on the said sum of Fifty thousand Frances at 
the rate of six per cent per anum at the days times 
and places before mentioned, and also the full and 
whole sum of Fifty thousand Frances on the said 
thirteenth day of January one thousand eight 
hundred and thirty two  Without any deduction or 
abatement as aforesaid according to the true intent 
and meaning of these presents and also that 
the said Moses Elias Levy now is lawfully and 
absolutely possessed or entitled unto the said Tracts
 and parcils of land or undivided moieties of
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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