Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 100
to Francis I. Fatio in his own right by deed bearing date the sixteenth day of September 
One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight, all of which will more fully appear 
by reference thereto, and which last mentioned Two thousand Acres have been 
conveyed, by the said Francis I. Fatio to Benjamin Chaires by Deed bearing date 
the thirteenth day of October One thousand eight hundred & Twenty eight.  Which 
tract of twenty thousand acres, described in the Royal Title aforesaid to be 
about eighty miles distance from the City of St. Augustine at a place known by 
the name of Big Hammock or Swamp.  Together with all and singular the heredi
taments and appurtenances whatsoever to the same belonging or appertaining and 
the reversion and reversions remainder and remainders, rents, issues & profits thereof  And 
also all the estate, all the estate right, Title and interest, trust, property claim & 
demand whatsoever, both in Law and in Equity of the said party of the first 
part, in, to, or out of the said Land, tenement, hereditament, and premises, To have 
and to hold, to the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, to his & their sole 
and only proper use, benefit and behoof forever in fee simple.-
	And the said party of the first part, all and singular the above granted 
Lands, tenements, and hereditaments and every part and parcel thereof unto the said
party of the second, his heirs, and assigns, and against all claiming under his Intestate 
Joseph M. Arredondo deceased his heirs, and assigns, and against al others whatsoever 
except the United States of America, Shall and will by these presents Warrant 
and defend.-
	In Witness whereof the party of the first part have hereunto set his 
hand & Seal the day and year first within written.-
Signed, Sealed & delivered			F.I. Fatio (Seal)
     in presence of				Ad’r of Jos M. Arredondo
	J. Gray Jr
	William Travers
	C. Downing
Know all men by these presents That I Frances I. Fatio of the City of St. Augustine 
and Territory of Florida, Attorney in fact for Donna Praxedes Cocifacio, Widow of 
Don Jose de la Mara Arredondo deceased, who is also Guardian to the Children of 
the said Joseph and Praxedes, for and in consideration of the Conditions & Sales 
specified and set forth in the Deed of this date and hereto attached, executed by me 
as Administrator of Joseph M. Arredondo, deceased to Benjamin Chaires, And for 
the further Consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars to me by the said Chaires in hand 
paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, I have released 
relinquished and confirmed, and do by these presents, release relinquish 
and confirm, to the said Benjamin Chaires, to him & to his heirs forever
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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