Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 106
This Indenture made and entered into this 27th day of January One thousand 
eight hundred and twenty nine, Between Joseph Simeon Sanchez and Maria 
his Wife of the City of St. Augustine of the one party, and Jacob Sommerall of the 
County of Alachua and Territory of Florida of the second part, Witnesseth, 
That for and in consideration of Two hundred and fifty Dollars lawful money of the 
United States, the receipt is hereby acknowledged, The party of the first part, given 
granted, bargained and sold, and by these presents, do give grant bargain and sell 
unto the said party of the second part, and to him and his heirs forever, Five hundred 
acres of Land, lying and being in the County aforesaid, which said Five hundred 
acres is one undivided fourth part of a tract of Land containing Two thousand acres situate 
on the River San Taffee and bounded on the west by the lands of Francisco Romain Sanchez 
and on the other sides by Vacant Lands, and the River Santaffee it being the 
same tract of Land, which was granted to the aforesaid Sanchez by a Decree of 
Governor Coppinger, bearing date 12th January 1818, The Original of which decree 
is on file in the Office of the keeper of the Public Archives in this City, which is hereby 
referred to for further certainty, And the said Joseph Simeon Sanchez, by his deed 
bearing date28th July 1823, recorded in the County Court of St. Johns conveyed 
away one half of the Two thousand acres aforesaid to one Samuel Fairbanks in whose 
name the said Fairbanks, and the said Sanchez, the above described grant of Two thous
and acres of Land, was confirmed by the Board of land Commissioners of East Florida 
on the 22nd January 1824 and recorded in the Register of Claims B. A page 82 
as will more fully appear, reference being had.  Now this Indenture further 
Witnesseth, That for and in consideration of the premises, the said party of the first 
part, covenanted, bargained, Sold and conveyed, and by these presents doth cove
nant, bargain, Sell and Convey, to the said party of the second part, his heirs and 
assigns forever, the said undivided fourth part of the tract or parcel of Land 
giving and reserving to the said party of the second part, after the division shall 
be made between the said Fairbanks and the said Sanchez, as before recited 
the right of choice and selection, of the said five hundred acres or the one half 
of one thousand, which shall fall to the lot of the said Joseph Simeon Sanchez 
in the division aforesaid, with the said Samuel Fairbanks together with all 
the Hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto belonging or in any wise apper
taining.  To have and to hold to the said party of the second part, his heirs 
and assigns forever, and the said party of the first part, all and singular the above 
granted Lands, Tenements & Hereditaments, and every part and parcel thereof acco
rding to the true tenor and spirit of the deed, unto the said party of the 
second part his heirs and assigns, against them the said party of the 
first part, and against all other person or persons whatsoever,
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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