Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 108
of in or to the same, and every part and parcel thereof. With the appurtenances.-
  To have and to hold, the said described premises, and all and singular other the 
premises, hereby granted, bargained sold, aliened, and confirmed, with the Heredit
aments and appurtenances, unto the said Bernardo Segue his heirs and assigns forever
to the only use and behoof, of the said Bernardo Segue his heirs & assigns forever 
and to, or for another use, intents or purpose whatsoever.-
	And Lastly, The said Joseph M. Arredondo, and his heirs, the said Lands 
and tenements, and Premises unto the said Bernardo Segui his heirs & assigns 
against the said Joseph M. Arredondo, his heirs, and against all and every other
person or persons whatever, claiming in, by., thro, or under the said Joseph M. 
Arredondo or his heirs, shall, and will, Warrant and forever defend, by these presents.-
		In Witness, whereof, the said Joseph M. Arredondo, by his attorney 
in fact F.I. Fatio, hereunto hath set his hand & seal the day and year 
first above written.
					Joseph M. Arredondo by his
					Attorney in fact
					Francis I. Fatio   (Seal)
Sealed and delivered
in presence of us
The words "Claiming, in by thro or
 under the said Joseph M. Arredondo or his heirs
being interlined before signing
			Davis Floyd
			Lerris Huguon
Territory of Florida }
County of Leon	     } I Certify That David Floyd came before me 
and made oath, that he saw F.I. Fatio, sign seal and deliver the above 
Instrument, for the purposes therein expressed. Given under my hand & seal this 
23 day of September AD 1829		John Y. Garey (Seal)
					Intendant of the City of Tallahassee 
and Justice of the peace for Leon County Territory of Florida.-
                       Recorded ths 21st day of October AD 1829.
					David Levy D.C.
Transcribed from the Original Book of Record pages 169, 170 & 171 
24th June 1840					James McNeill Clk
						Alachua County Court
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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