Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 010
Tracts and parcels of land herein before 
mentioned and intended to be hereby granted 
and released (subject as aforesaid, and 
now hath in himself good rights, full power 
and lawful and absolute authority to grant re
lease and convey the same in manner and form 
aforesaid  And according to the purpose true 
intent and meaning of these presents. And further 
that it shall and may be lawful for the said 
Seraphina Chauventeau her heirs executors ad
ministrators and assigns from and after default 
shall happen to be made in payment of the said 
sum of Fifty thousand Frances and Interest at 
the rate of six per cent per annum and time 
aforesaid contrary to the form and effect of the 
aforesaid proviso and or in and for the payment 
of the sane peaceably and quietly to enter into 
have hold occuppy possess and enjoy all and 
singular the Tracts and parcils of land ***** 
intended to be released and conveyed with the 
appurtenances and all and singular the slaves, crops 
produce and property thereon found and take the 
Rents Issues and profits thereof and of 
every part thereof to and for his and their own 
use and benifit and also incase default shall be 
made or happen to be made in two half early payment 
of Interest at the Rate times, and places, aforesaid 
it shall be lawful for the said Seraphina Chauventeau 
her executors administrators or assigns to im
mediately demand payment of the said sum 
of Fifty thousand Frances and all Interest then 
due thereon not withstanding the terms of six per cent 
for which time the said sum of money is hereby in
tended to be advanced shall not be expired 
or near expired, and in the case of nonpayment 
thereof to enter and take possession of the 
said Tract or parcil of land and premises in 
manner herein before mentioned,  
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 7 October 2002
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