Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 109
This Indenture made this sixth day of October, in the year of Our Lord 
One Thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Between Waters 
Smith, United States Marshall for the Eastern District of Florida of the 
first part, and Jane Rowley, of the City of St. Augustine of the second part
	Whereas by virtue of a Writ of Fiere Facias issued out of the Superior 
Court, for the Eastern District of Florida, and to the said Marshall directed 
and delivered, It is stated that, whereas by the Judgment of the Superior 
Court for the Eastern District of Florida, Jane Rowley Administratrix of 
Robert Rowley deceased, upon her petition for foreclosure of a Mortgage 
of Isaac N.. Cox, hath recovered against Francis Gue Administrator of 
the said Isaac N. Cox deceased, the sum of One hundred & Six Dollars and 
about nine Cents debt, to to be made and levied of the Mortgaged Property.  
The said Marshall is commanded, that of that undivided fifth part of 
a tract of Land, containing two thousand five hundred acres of land 
Situate lying and being in the east side of the River Suwannee at the cros
sing place thereof in the County of Alachua, bounded on the north by the 
road which crosses the Suwannee at the ferry, On the east by vacant lands 
on the south by a branch named Wanamassorita, and on the west by the 
aforesaid River Suwannee, (being the premises in the said Mortgage mention
ed) he cause to be made, the sum of One hundred & Six Dollars and seventy 
nine Cents debt, and that have the same, before the Jude of the aforesaid Court 
at the City of St. Augustine on the first Monday of November next, to render to 
the said Jane Rowley, Administratrix as aforesaid her Debt aforesaid.-
And Whereas the said Waters Smith as Marshall as aforesaid, Did by virtue 
of said Writ of Fiere Facias, and pursuant to the Statute in such case made 
and provided, did duly advertise the premises, herein before mentioned & described 
for sale, on Tuesday the First day of September, and on that day the sale of said 
property was postponed, until Tuesday the sixth day of October, being the 
day of the date of these presents, and on this day did sell the same at Public 
Auction, to the said Jane Rowley party of these presents of the second part 
for the sum of One hundred and Ten Dollars, she being the highest bidder 
for the same, Now Therefore This Indenture Witnesseth That the said 
Waters Smith as Marshall as aforesaid, by virtue of said Writ of Fiere Facias 
to him as aforesaid directed and delivered, and by force of the Statute in such 
case made and provided, for and in consequence consideration of the said 
sum of One hundred and Ten Dollars, Money of the United States of America 
to him in hand paid, at and before the ensealing & delivery of these 
presents, the receipt whereof is hereby Acknowledged.  Hath granted
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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