Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 111
and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged 
hath granted, bargained, sold, transferred and delivered, and by these 
presents Do grant, bargain, sell, transfer and deliver unto the said 
John A. Cavedo, his heirs and assigns forever, All the right Title 
and Interest, of him the said Joseph M. Arredondo to an undivided fortieth part 
of Forty thousand acres of Land, situated on both sides of the River 
Okelewajau in East Florida, which grant was made to the said Joseph 
M. Arredondo, on the twelfth day of January One thousand eight 
hundred and eleven by Governor White, together with all the Hereditaments 
rights and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise 
appertaining; and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders 
rents issues and profits thereof, And also all the estate, right title interest 
property or possession, claim and demand whatsoever, in Law or Equity 
of the said Joseph M. Arredondo, of in or to the same and every part 
and parcel thereof.         To have and to hold the said above described 
premises, hereby granted, bargained, sold, transferred & delivered with 
the Hereditaments, rights, titles, and appurtenances unto the said John 
A. Cavedo his heirs and assigns forever to the only proper use & behoof 
of the said John A. Cavedo his heirs and assigns forever, and lastly the 
said Joseph M. Arredondo, his heirs, the said lands and tenements and 
premises, unto the said John A. Cavedo, his heirs and assigns & against 
all and every other person or persons whatever, claiming in, by through, or 
under the said Joseph M. Arredondo, or his heirs, shall and will Warrant 
and forever defend, by these presents.    In Witness whereof the said Joseph M. 
Arredondo, hath hereunto, set his hand & seal, the day and year first 
above written -- The word Other being first interlined before signing.
Signed, Sealed & delivered
   in the presence of us			Joseph M. Arredondo (Seal)
	Sam'l Cook
	Daniel S. Gardner
Territory of Florida }
St. Johns County     }	Be it remembered, that on this 8th Nov'r AD. 1826 
Daniel S. Gardner a subscribing witness to the within Instrument of Writing, 
came before me the subscriber Clerk of the Court of the County aforesaid, and made 
Oath, that Joseph M. Arredondo, in his presence executed the same, as and for his 
Act and deed, for the purposes therein mentioned, Whereupon I have recorded 
said Instrument, Witness my name the date above written     A.C. Tingle	
	Recorded this 18th day of January 1830
					D. Levy D.C.
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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