Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 112
Territory of Florida}
		    This Indenture made the thirty first day of October 
in the year of Our Lord, One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine, between
Between Bernardo Segui of the County of St. Johns, in the Territory of Florida 
by Theodore Flotard, of the City of Tallahassee his attorney, thereunto lawful auth
orised by Deed of the first part, and John Maloney and Henry Brandin of the 
City of Tallahassee of the second part, Witnesseth, That the said party of the 
first part for and in consideration of the sum of One thousand Dollars to him in 
hand well and truly paid, by the said parties of the second part, the receipt 
whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, and sold and by 
these presents, doth grant bargain & sell, unto the said parties of the second 
part.-   All that certain undivided, fortieth part of Forty thousand 
acres of land, situated on both sides of the River Oklewaka is the Eastern 
District of the Territory of Florida aforesaid, which moiety or part was 
conveyed, to the said party of the first part by Joseph M. Arredondo by Deed 
of Indenture bearing date the thirty first day of December One thousand eight 
hundred and twenty four, a plot or survey of which said fortieth part or 
moiety of said tract, is hereunto appended and annexed - To Have and to 
hold the said tract of land hereby granted, Together with the reversion 
and reversions, remainder and remainder, rents Issues and profits thereof, all 
the rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise appertaining 
and all the Estate, right, title and interest of the said party of the first part in Law or 
in Equity unto the said party of the second part, their heirs executors, administrators 
and assigns forever to their own proper use benefit and behoof.-
		In Testimony whereof the said party of the first part hath hereunto 
set his hand & seal day and year first before written.
Signed sealed & delivered			Bernardo Seguy, by his Attorney
 in presence of				Lawfully Authorized by Deed
  Leslie A. Thompson				Theodore Flotard (Seal)
  *. P. Walter
  James Dell
I Joshua Coffee, Surveyor for the County of Alachua, do hereby Certify That 
the within Plat of One thousand Acres belonging to B. Segui is a part of the 
Original Grant of Forty thousand acres, granted to Joseph M. Arredondo 
on the River Oklewaha.-
						J.A Coffee Surveyor
	The Plat alluded to will be found on the other side --
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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