Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 114
undivided fortieth part, was conveyed by Joseph M. Arredondo to the said John 
Y. Garey A. Cavedo by Deed of Indenture bearing date the twenty first day 
of February, One thousand eight hundred and twenty five, bounded as follows, East One hundred 
Chains to a pine tree, Thence South One hundred Chains to a stake thence West One 
hundred Chains, to a Palmetto tree thence North One hundred Chains to a stake- 
Ceding and transferring, the said undivided fortieth part of forty thousand acres 
of land, unto him the said John Y. Garey his heirs and assigns forever, Together 
with all and singular, the rights members and appurtenances to the same in any 
manner belonging, to his and their proper use & behoof forever-
		And the said John A. Cavedo, for himself his heirs executors and 
administrators, the said bargained premises unto the said John Y. Garey his heirs 
will warrant and forever defend the right and title against himself & themselves 
or any person claiming under or through him the said John A. Cavedo only 
this being altogether a quit claim sale.-
		In Testimony whereof, the said John A. Cavedo hath hereunto 
set his hand & seal the day and year first above written
Signed Sealed & delivered			John A. Cavedo (Seal)
    in presence of
	Jose Hernandez
	Manuil Solano

Territory of Florida }
St. Johns County     }	Be it remembered, that on the 11th day of November 
AD 1826 Jose Hernandez a subscribing witness to the foregoing Instrument 
of Writing, Came before me the subscriber Clerk of the Court for the County 
aforesaid, and made Oath that John A. Cavedo in his presence executed 
the same, as and for his Act and deed for the purposes therein mentioned.-
			Whereupon I have recorded said Instrument with the plat 
and Certificate thereunto Annexed.
				Witness my hand the above date written

Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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