Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 116
Territory of Florida }
County of Leon	     }	This Indenture, this fourteenth day of 
November One thousand eight hundred and twenty nine Between John Y. 
Garey of the first and John Maloney of the second part, both the Territory afore
said, Witnesseth, That the said John Y. Garey, for and in consideration of the 
sum of Two thousand Dollars to him in hand paid, at and before the sealing and deliv
ery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted 
Bargained, Sold, and conveyed, and do by these presents grant, bargain, sell and 
convey unto the said John Maloney, An undivided fortieth part of forty thousand 
acres of Land, Situated on the River Oklewaha in East Florida, which undivided 
fortieth part was conveyed by Joseph M. Arredondo to John A. Cavedo and by 
said Cavedo to John Y. Garey, by Deed of Indenture bearing date the Eleventh 
day of October Eighteen hundred and twenty Six, boundeds follows, east One 
hundred Chains to a pine tree, thence South One hundred Chains to stake, thence 
West One hundred Chains to a Palmetto tree, thence North One hundred Chains to a 
stake -- Ceding and transferring, the said undived fortieth part of Forty thous
and acres of land, unto the said John Maloney his heirs and assigns for
ever, Together with all and singular the rights, members and appurtenances 
to the same in any manner belonging, to his and their proper use and behoof 
forever, An the said John Y. Garey for himself his heirs, executors and admin
istrators, the said bargained Premises, unto the said John Maloney his 
heirs and assigns forever, will warrant and forever defend, the right 
and title against himself and themselves, or any person, claiming under 
or through him the said John Y. Garey, this being a quit claim sale--
	In Testimony whereof the said John Y. Garey, hath hereunto set his 
hand & seal the day and year first above written.
Signed sealed & delivered			John Y. Garey (Seal)
     in presence of
	Turbutt R. Betton
	James Hughes
I, M. Fermena Garey Wife of John Y. Garey, do hereby freely & Voluntarily 
without any compulsion, constraint or apprehension, or fear of or from my Husband 
relinquish and renounce, all my right of Dower of in or to the within described 
premises Witness my hand & seal this fourteenth day of November 
One thousand eight hundred & twenty nine.
Witness			Mary F. Garey (Seal)
	James Hughes
	Turbutt R. Betton
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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