Alachua County Clerk of the Court Seal Alachua County Clerk of the Court
J.K. "Jess" Irby, Esq. - Clerk of the Court
Ancient Records
Ancient Record Deed Book A
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Ancient Records Deed Book A Page 118
to the said Clarke, by the Spanish Government on the tenth day of July eighteen hundred 
and fourteen, as will more fully appear by a copy of the plat of survey 
executed under said covenant and hereto annexed.-
		Ceding and transferring the said One thousand acres of Land 
unto him the said Garey his heirs and successors, together with all and sin
gular the rights, members and appurtenances to the same in any manner 
belonging, to his and their proper use and behoof forever.--
	And the said Clarke for himself his heirs, executors & adminis
trators the said bargained premises, unto the said Garey his heirs & assigns 
will warrant and forever defend the right and title against himself 
and themselves only this being altogether a quit claim sale.--
			In Witness whereof the said Clarke set his hand & 
seal day and year above written--
					George I.F. Clarke (Seal)
Signed sealed & delivered
 in presence of 
	Joseph Delespine
	John Gianople Jun'r
Territory of Florida }
St. Johns County     }	Be it remembered that on the 28th day of 
1825 John Gianople Jun'r a subscribing witness to the within Instrument 
of Writing came before me the Subscriber Clerk of the Court for the County 
aforesaid and made Oath that George I.F. Clarke the Grantor therein 
named, did in his presence sign and acknowledge the same as his free 
Act and Deed for the purposes therein mentioned, wherefore I have recorded 
said Instrument together with the plat thereto annexed in my Office.-
		Witness my name the date above written
					James S. Tingle Clerk
Recorded the 27th day of January 1830
				David Levy D.C.
Transcribed from the Original Book of Record Pages 187 
& 188 this 29th day of June AD 1840
				James McNeill Clk
				Alachua County Court
Transcribed by Jim Powell Jr 9 October 2002
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